Am I winning yet? Am I in control of my Parkinson's?
I would love this blog to be all positivity and optimism every week, like some other Parkinson’s blogs I have come across.
But I prefer to say it like it is, good and bad, warts and all, no sugar coating. I want to ask the difficult questions, find honest answers and tackle the consequences head on, no matter how unpalatable. Although I am generally an optimistic person, I have no truck with uplifting platitudes that obfuscate the truth.
So the short answer to the question “am I winning yet?” is no, I am still a slave to the daily whims of my disease.
But, slowly, things are improving.
This week on holiday in Barbados, fatigue aside, I hardly noticed my condition. On the whole I slept well (despite the noisy main road nearby). Unlike in Malta last year, I had no difficulties swimming. Driving is less of an issue than it was last summer. I am contemplating returning to work full time. And some recently developed symptoms have largely abated. Though I still struggled with things like writing postcards and opening bottles.
Is this a turning point? Is my daily imbibing of single malt whisky actually achieving something? Or is this all part of the natural waxing and waning of Parkinson’s?
I will have to wait and see.
So, not winning yet, but perhaps the game is starting to change. Watch this space...