Return to fabulous Venice

Sunday 20 November 2022

There are few places in the world more wonderful than Venice on a sunny autumn afternoon. 

As I wander through the ancient streets and piazzas, across countless small bridges, I marvel at the timeless grandeur set against crisp azure skies. As I turn each corner, something unexpected greets me: an idyllic canal, a magnificent church, a crumbling palatial facade, a burst of sunlight.

Although Venice is an exquisite museum piece, taking one back to the golden era of the great city states of The Renaissance, it is also a living, vibrant hub of tourism and commerce. I gawp at the luxuries gleaming in the windows of Gucci, Prada, Ferragamo, Versace, Cartier and Louis Vuitton; I marvel at the dazzling displays of Murano glass; my mouth waters at all the tempting culinary offerings; I study the modern art sculptures that are dotted around as part of the Biennale festival; and I imagine wearing one of the Venetian masks I see hanging outside the souvenir shops during the Carnival. Everywhere I go there is the mellifluous chatter of Italians, all wearing designer sunglasses, all stylishly attired and all, like me, enjoying life on a fabulous day in Venice.

By the time I return to our rented apartment by the Arsenale, the old shipbuilding area of the city, I am hobbling with cramp and dystonia in my feet, despite periodically popping the grey and blue pills that I carry everywhere. This reminds me that the reason I am here is to do precisely that: take in as much enjoyment as possible from life until my body stops me.

I will be here for the next seven weeks, with Clare periodically joining me. We have rented a (surprisingly cheap) apartment as an experiment to see if living in a different European country for a couple of months could be an option for the next two or three years. I can do my work anywhere that has reliable WiFi so why not do it from Venice, or Rome, or Seville, or the French Riviera? Of course it may not work. I may struggle too much on my own or get lonely or bored, especially when the weather is cold and damp.

But today I don’t concern myself with the future. I live in the present and squeeze as much enjoyment out of the day as I can.

Time for an espresso. And some chocolate.

What actually is Parkinson’s and when will we find a cure?

Saturday 5 November 2022

I’ve done my MSc in neuroscience, I’ve lived with Parkinson’s for six years and counting, and I’m plugged into the research community, so now seems like a good time to give my opinion on what is going on in the brain with Parkinson’s and our best bet for a breakthrough in treatment.


Over 200 years since English doctor James Parkinson published an essay about the eponymous disease, and despite billions of dollars spent on research since then, the truth is that we don’t understand what actually causes it, how exactly it progresses through the brain, how to cure it, or even how to slow it down. The best we can do is prescribe drugs that treat some of the symptoms.

However, we can speculate what the big picture might look like from the various pieces of the jigsaw that we can see. What follows is my personal best guess based on everything I have studied. In summary, my view is:

  1. Parkinson’s is probably to do with the spread of misfolded alpha-synuclein
  2. There are multiple triggers but broadly one underlying disease process
  3. The brain has natural defences against rogue proteins
  4. There are lots of other things going on in the brain and body that affect progression of the disease
  5. Effective therapies are most likely to come from cell replacement and boosting the brain’s natural defences

Let’s explore each of these statements in turn, bearing in mind that everything I am about to say could be completely wrong…


  1. Parkinson’s is probably to do with the spread of misfolding alpha-synuclein

When the brain of a deceased person with Parkinson’s is examined under a microscope, it shows abnormal clumps of a protein called alpha-synuclein. These clumps are called Lewy bodies.

It is not understood exactly how and why these form, or how they spread, and it could be the case that they are actually a by-product of something else going on. But a plausible explanation is that they cause damage to neurons and spread by a so-called “prion like” process. This term comes from “mad cow disease” where a protein called a prion, which has misfolded, comes into contact with normal prion and causes the normal prion to also misfold. Thus the defective proteins spread slowly as individual molecules come into contact with one another.

The normal function of alpha-synuclein is not well understood but it likely has something to do with regulating synaptic vesicles. Vesicles are containers within a cell, in this case containers of neurotransmitters like dopamine that are used to send signals between neurons. The gene that encodes alpha-synuclein is called SNCA and, indeed, rare mutations of SNCA can cause Parkinson’s at a relatively early age. So the hypothesis is that alpha-synuclein which normally facilitates communication between neurons can go rogue, and this perhaps both reduces the availability of neurotransmitters and also somehow damages neurons.

  1. There are multiple triggers but broadly one underlying disease process

Parkinson’s is highly variable across individuals, both in terms of its symptoms and its progression. In medical terminology, it’s heterogenous. It’s tempting, therefore, to think there may be several subtypes and this is what I did my MSc thesis on. “Subtyping and predicting the progression of Parkinson’s disease using machine learning” was the title and I was pleased to get a mark of 78% for it. But the conclusion I came to after analysing a lot of data was that it is more likely that there is a single underlying disease (with the possible exception of some rare genetic forms which need not concern us here) but with lots of factors that influence how it manifests itself, a topic which I’ll return to shortly.

There is a popular theory called Braak Staging (named after the German neuroanatomist who proposed it in 2003), which I think is probably right. This states that Parkinson’s spreads in six stages through different regions of the brain as shown below. As an aside, there is a similar version of this theory for Alzheimer’s.

Braak goes on to hypothesise that Parkinson’s can start either in the nose, in which case it gets into the brain via the olfactory system, or the gut in which case it travels up a nerve into the brain. This would seem to chime with clinical evidence, namely that exposure to certain pesticides and industrial chemicals can increase the risk of Parkinson’s, but that the early stages of Parkinson’s are also associated with things like constipation. A number of people have proposed that the underlying cause is a virus, but I think it is more likely that it is the body’s own machinery that is at fault, not the work of a pathogen.


  1. The brain has natural defences against rogue proteins

Nature has evolved all sorts of defence mechanisms, like the immune system that fights off viruses and bacteria, and many housekeeping processes that constantly clear away unwanted proteins and other waste. Within cells there are structures called lysosomes and proteasomes and processes like autophagy and ubiquitination, all of which clean up and recycle mess in the cell. And in the human brain, there are just as many glial cells as neurons which perform a variety of support functions including cell repairs and removal of toxins.

I would hypothesise that rogue proteins like the misfolding alpha-synuclein may actually be quite a common occurrence but they are kept in check by these many different systems. When these natural housekeeping processes are compromised then Parkinson’s becomes more likely. For example, variants of a gene called GBA increase the risk of Parkinson’s and GBA has a role in lysosomes mentioned above. Similarly, the genes LRRK2 and parkin have roles in autophagy and ubiquitination, and variants of these also increase the risk of developing Parkinson’s.


  1. There are lots of other things going on in the brain and body that affect progression of the disease

As well as genetics there are several other factors known to affect the risk of developing Parkinson’s. You’re more likely to get it if you’re male but less likely to get it if you’re a regular smoker. Caffeine consumption may play a role and there are possible links to things like diabetes. What is going on here?

Biological systems are not simple. They have not been designed (by some deity or otherwise); rather they have evolved over millions of years in complicated and unpredictable ways with all sorts of checks and balances and compensating sub-systems. They work because they have evolved to work, not because there is a sensible blueprint of how they should operate. The brain is particularly complex in this respect.

I think what is happening is that neurons, which consume lots of energy and are awash with chemical messengers, are in a constant battle to clear away toxins, and to keep inflammation under control when cells get damaged or energy-producing mitochondria burn out. Perhaps the rogue proteins also cause inflammation. This ability to keep cleaning up and to keep inflammation under control, probably degrades with age. A few rogue proteins get seen off in the normal course of business, but a sustained onslaught of dodgy alpha-synuclein tips the balance. This slowly spreads across a lot of the brain but the dopaminergic cells in the substantia nigra are few in number and particularly delicate, so they die easily and the result is a lack of dopamine that in turn leads to the motor symptoms of the disease. These are the first thing we notice, but the brain started to lose the battle many years previously.

Presumably oestrogen and nicotine somehow work to the benefit of the neurons, perhaps operating as anti-inflammatories

The disease spreads across much of the brain but the brain is an adaptive organ and can, to some extent, compensate. So, everyone has a slightly different set of symptoms according to how their brain is wired. Some people can no longer smell, others still have sensitive noses; some people tremor, others don’t, and so on.


  1. Effective therapies are most likely to come from cell replacement and boosting the brain’s natural defences

If the above is even half correct then halting or reversing Parkinson’s once diagnosed is going to be difficult, and probably why essentially all drug trials to date have failed. I do believe, however, that like vaccinating people for Covid, our best bet for a disease-modifying therapy is to work with the brain’s natural defence mechanisms. Exactly how we do this is not clear to me, and to be brutally honest I am increasingly pessimistic that we will find disease-modifying therapies any time soon. Perhaps the eventual answer will be a combination of drugs, for example anti-inflammatories, anti-oxidants and drugs that boost processes like autophagy and ubiquitination.

An alternative approach, which is showing some success and now undergoing many clinical trials, is to accept the progression of the disease but replace some of the lost cells. If we can take a 60-year-old with Parkinson’s and give them some fresh dopaminergic cells that will buy them another 20 years of being able to move fluidly, then that’s a pretty good outcome.

With a couple of exceptions (for example the hippocampus where short-term memories are stored), the brain does not naturally replace lost neurons: once your brain cells die, they’re gone forever. But we can grow some new ones in the lab from stem cells and implant them. I wrote a bit about this in the last post and this approach is not without its challenges. It’s expensive, it requires invasive brain surgery and there are various technical issues like where to implant the cells. It turns out that it’s better to implant them in the striatum where the dopamine is actually used, rather than the substantia nigra, where the neurons would need several years to grow axons that project into the striatum.

Experiments on cell implantation were done as far back as the 1980s with some success. In those days, embryonic stem cells were used, which have significant ethical issues (you need six aborted embryos to treat one adult with Parkinson’s) but today we have induced pluripotent stem cells which don’t have the same concerns though are still complex to work with.

We shall see the results of the current batch of clinical trials in cell replacement in the next 2-3 years. I think there is a good chance that this will lead to a viable therapy a decade from now.

If this proves to be the case, I’ll be one of the first in the queue.




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