‘Tis the season to be jolly

Sunday 18 December 2022

Last night I saw a fabulous performance of Handel’s Messiah in the beautiful 16th century Scuola Grande dei Carmini, and this morning I woke up to blue sky and radiant sunshine in Venice. What’s not to like?

After a couple of weeks of cold, rain, fog and empty backstreets, Venice has suddenly come alive in the run up to Christmas. A funfair has appeared near our apartment, the Christmas tree is sparkling in Piazza San Marco, magical decorations adorn the shopping streets, and the bars and restaurants are now buzzing with banter and laughter. Every morning I go for a short, gentle jog along the waterfront with sights such as the Basilica di Santa Maria della Salute, Palazzo Ducale (Doge’s Palace) and Campanile (bell tower) laid out majestically in front of me. I pinch myself that I am in this amazing place.

As a bonus, my daughter Rosa came out to visit for a couple of days last week. She is taking a year out before going to university to study theology and philosophy, and has a job in the local Paperchase shop to get some experience – and money – under her belt before doing some travelling in the spring. Needless to say, we had a fantastic time exploring Venice together, and enjoying some great Italian cuisine.

Clare comes out again next week to join me for Christmas and New Year before I return to normal life at the end of the first week of January. I had mixed feelings about trying to live in a foreign city on my own for a few weeks, but it’s turned out to be a great experience. Although I’ve all but given up trying to learn Italian, with my brain seemingly unable to retain the simplest vocabulary, I’ve managed to survive in a foreign country without any major challenges. Shopping can be a bit tricky as can doing simple things in the kitchen like opening bottles and jars. Food packaging in general is a bitch. But I take my time and find creative ways to do things. And I pump myself full of medication every day.

So for now, la vita è bella. Life is good. It won’t always be like this of course. But the positive news is that listening to great music and enjoying the warmth of the sun on my face are two things I will still be able to do even when I am in the advanced stages of Parkinson’s.

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