London Bridge

Monday 5 June 2017
"Borough High Street exit closed" reads a sign as I walk through London Bridge underground station on my way to work.

It is a journey I make every morning, but this time the commute is sombre as I think about the terrible terrorist event that happened over the weekend; where three radicalised men attacked 55 people, killing seven of them in manic knife attack, and with the blunter instrument of a hire van speeding over London Bridge at 50mph.

This is the worst of humanity, not just because of the killing but because of the intention behind it - the intention to cause as much pain as possible in a frenzied eight minutes until the attackers were shot dead by police.

London Bridge and Borough Market are areas of London I know well. Indeed, I recall many years ago strolling along the south side of the Thames with Clara on our first date, under the red glow of the same bridge.

Of course this puts my own situation into perspective - I feel pretty rough today but it could be so, so much worse.

As I think about the unfortunate victims, I appreciate how lucky I am to benefit, in many ways, from the very best of humanity.

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