Going grey

Saturday 29 June 2019

“Oh, I would say about 52 or 53.”

“Yes, definitely early fifties.”

My two work colleagues, tucking into their sushi and beer seemed pretty confident with their estimates.

“I’m still in my forties. Is it the grey hair?” I grinned as I gave my response.

I was quite surprised. This was, as far as I can recall, the first time in my life somebody had over-estimated my age. Always baby-faced, when I was in my youth it was harder to get a drink in a pub or restaurant, and I had gotten used to flattering under-estimates of my age. Over the years, friends going grey and/or bald envied my thick head of dark hair.

Later that evening I found myself studying the robotic face starting back at me in the bathroom mirror.

As well as sporting thick streaks of silver, my features are more gaunt: sunken, bag-laden eyes, pale skin that no longer sees much sunlight and a thinning visage. My body has atrophied a little as well. Previously muscular legs have lost much of their tone, arms are weak, hands and feet look more withered. A couple of people have commented recently that I look thinner. In three or four years, the Parkinson’s, and particularly the insufficient sleep, has probably aged me by a decade.

I think the remedy is simple: more sleep and more exercise. Sounds easy, but easier said than done when you have young onset, expending all of your energy running on life’s treadmill rather than running in the park….

Still, I can’t complain. At least I don’t look 60. Yet. And whilst I’m no George Clooney, being grey does have a certain cachet …

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